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9x12 rug pad

Surya Monterey Moy-2305 Area Rug

Price: $4,940.00

…The charming fringe detail lends an extra touch of elegance that is sure to impress. For optimal longevity and maintenance, we recommend professional cleaning only as well as use with a rug pad to prevent shifting or sliding. Elevate your living space today with our stunning Monterey hand made rug!

Surya Normandy Noy-8013 Area Rug

Price: $9,450.00

…and longevity. The fringe detail adds an appealing touch that's sure to turn heads. This rug is more than just a floor covering - it's a work of art! For best results and longevity, we recommend use with a rug pad and professional cleaning only. Enhance your living space with the Normandy today!

Surya Grandeur Gru-2301 Area Rug

Price: $3,110.00

…medium pile viscose for that soft touch underfoot. This exquisite rug was handwoven in India, ensuring each piece carries a unique charm. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only. The use of a rug pad is also suggested to prevent slipping and sliding. Welcome home…

Surya Grandeur Gru-2304 Area Rug

Price: $3,110.00

…medium pile viscose for that soft touch underfoot. This exquisite rug was handwoven in India, ensuring each piece carries a unique charm. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only. The use of a rug pad is also suggested to prevent slipping and sliding. Welcome home…

Surya Imola Iml-1013 Area Rug

Price: $16,410.00

…height and hand-knotted construction, you can rest assured that it's made with quality in mind. Made in India, this beautiful piece is sure to bring sophistication and elegance to your home. To ensure its longevity, we recommend using a rug pad and having it professionally cleaned when necessary.

Surya Kavita Kvt-2325 Area Rug

Price: $2,880.00

…hand-tufted rug. Expertly made in India, this beautiful piece is made of a luscious blend of wool and viscose that ensures both comfort and durability. Its medium pile height offers an inviting softness underfoot while still being easy to maintain and clean. We recommend using this rug with a pad to…

Surya Kavita Kvt-2328 Area Rug

Price: $2,880.00

…recommend using this rug with a pad for optimal comfort and longevity. Moreover, maintenance is as simple as spot cleaning with a dry cloth, allowing you to enjoy the sophistication of this piece without worry. Step into luxury and indulge your living space with this magnificent rug from the Kavita…

Surya Kerman Kmn-2300 Area Rug

Price: $9,530.00

…fringes at the ends, creating a captivating look that catches the eye. To maintain its luster and beauty, we recommend professional cleaning only and use with a rug pad to prevent slipping or movement. This is not just a rug; it's an artistic expression that adds charm and warmth to your home decor!

Surya Khyber Khy-2308 Area Rug

Price: $7,030.00

…handmade rug. This rug, expertly hand-knotted in India, is a testament to traditional craftsmanship. Its global design and low pile make it an eclectic piece that adds depth and personality to any space. While the wool material ensures durability, we recommend using it with a rug pad for longevity.…

Surya Kinsley Kis-2301 Area Rug

Price: $1,470.00

…style rug is an eye-catching addition to any room, elevating your decor to new heights. Expertly hand-tufted from plush wool in India, this luxurious piece boasts a high pile that feels exquisitely soft underfoot. To ensure it retains its beauty, we recommend using this rug with a pad and tending…

Surya Kinsley Kis-2303 Area Rug

Price: $1,470.00

…comfortable feel underfoot. Imported all the way from India, this rug brings with it an exotic touch and an air of sophistication. To keep its charm intact, simply spot clean with a dry cloth as needed. We recommend pairing it with a rug pad for added comfort and longevity. Elevate your home decor…

Surya Knoxville Knx-2305 Area Rug

Price: $4,830.00

…of a cozy cottage, infusing your space with warmth and character. To maintain its pristine condition, professional cleaning is recommended. Pair it with a rug pad for added comfort and durability. This rug is not just an accessory but an essential component to bring together your interior decor!

Surya Leros Lrs-2300 Area Rug

Price: $6,540.00

…from India. This rug brings a touch of classic elegance to any room with its traditional style that has been expertly hand-knotted from pure wool. With its low pile construction, it's easy to maintain and ideal for high-traffic areas, though we recommend using it with a rug pad to prolong its life.…

Surya Luxuries Flw-2300 Area Rug

Price: $1,525.00

…hand made rug. Perfect for any space in your home, this unique piece encapsulates the very essence of timeless elegance. Exquisitely crafted in India, it features a medium pile that is plush underfoot and creates a warm, welcoming ambiance in any room. We recommend using it with a rug pad to prevent…

Surya Marisa Mir-2301 Area Rug

Price: $6,625.00

…Collection handmade rug. Crafted meticulously in India, this woolen gem boasts a hand-knotted construction, ensuring each thread tells a unique story. With its low pile feature, it provides an intimate and cozy feel that is perfect for your living room or bedroom setting. The rug pad compatibility…

Surya Moab Bomb-2301 Area Rug

Price: $5,885.00

…comfort and luxury in one package. For best results, we recommend use with a rug pad to prevent slipping or sliding. Maintain its fresh look and extend longevity by opting for professional cleaning only. This hand-knotted rug is not just a floor covering; it's an expression of personal style and…

Surya Monterey Moy-2306 Area Rug

Price: $4,940.00

…knotted in India, this rug is composed entirely of soft, durable wool that provides an inviting medium pile texture underfoot. The timeless design elements are perfect for adding a touch of classic elegance to any room in your home. It is recommended to use with a rug pad for best results, enhancing…

Surya Philadelphia Phd-2300 Area Rug

Price: $4,135.00

…This handmade rug, made of pure New Zealand wool, infuses an air of global sophistication into any space. Hand-woven in India, it features a smooth, no-pile construction that's both comfortable underfoot and easy to maintain. We recommend using this piece with a rug pad for added cushioning…

Surya Riviera Riv-2304 Area Rug

Price: $5,010.00

…in India, this rug is created from premium New Zealand wool and cotton, offering a delightful medium pile that feels luxurious underfoot. With a classic traditional style, the fringe detail adds a touch of timeless elegance to any room. We recommend using this masterpiece with a rug pad for the best…

Surya Romano Rmo-2300 Area Rug

Price: $1,415.00

…Romano handmade rug. This stunning piece, lovingly hand-loomed in India, brings a delightful touch to any space with its medium pile construction. Made entirely from wool, it not only provides warmth but also adds a luxurious feel underfoot. We recommend using it with a rug pad for the best…

Surya Romano Rmo-2301 Area Rug

Price: $1,415.00

…using traditional hand looming techniques, this wool rug provides a medium pile for a plush and comfortable feel underfoot. It's the perfect balance of style and comfort that blends seamlessly with any decor. We recommend pairing it with a rug pad to maintain its position and prolong its life. Plus,…

Surya Romano Rmo-2302 Area Rug

Price: $1,415.00

…the Romano hand made rug. Fashioned in India, this wool rug exemplifies a beautiful style that is suitable for any type of decor. The hand loomed construction lends it a unique texture and the medium pile ensures comfort underfoot. It is recommended to be used with a rug pad for better grip and…

Surya Romano Rmo-2303 Area Rug

Price: $1,415.00

…Collection hand-made rug. Crafted in India, this exquisite piece boasts a medium pile, hand-loomed with utmost precision from pure wool. Its captivating style makes it an impeccable addition to any space, adding a warm and inviting ambiance. We recommend using it with a rug pad to prolong its life…

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2303 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…durability and softness underfoot. The hand-tufted construction gives the rug a plush, medium pile that's perfect for adding comfort and warmth to your floors. While it's beautiful on its own, we recommend using it with a rug pad for enhanced cushioning and non-slip security. Maintaining this…

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2305 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…India. This rug beautifully complements any space with its medium pile offering just the right blend of comfort and design sophistication. Its meticulous construction ensures durability for prolonged use. While it holds well on its own, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to enhance stability…

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2307 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…showcases the traditional artistry from its origin country. For longevity and preservation of its beauty, we recommend using this rug with a pad and spot cleaning it with a dry cloth when necessary. Transform your home d?cor with this beautiful wool rug that effortlessly combines style and function.

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2310 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…a soft underfoot experience but also adds a touch of elegance to your home decor. To maintain its natural beauty and extend its lifespan, we recommend using this rug with a pad and spot cleaning it with a dry cloth. Elevate your living space now with this stylishly comfortable Rossi hand made rug!

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2312 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…a soft underfoot experience but also adds a touch of elegance to your home decor. To maintain its natural beauty and extend its lifespan, we recommend using this rug with a pad and spot cleaning it with a dry cloth. Elevate your living space now with this stylishly comfortable Rossi hand made rug!

Surya Tempe Tpe-2300 Area Rug

Price: $1,845.00

…medium pile provides a plush feeling without being too overwhelming. For longevity and preservation of its original charm, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad for stability and spot cleaning with water only when necessary. Immerse yourself in the tasteful elegance this hand made rug has to offer!

Surya Tulu Tlu-2300 Area Rug

Price: $5,900.00

…this wool rug is hand-knotted to perfection, offering a low-pile design that's perfect for high-traffic areas. Its classic aesthetic brings warmth and sophistication to any space, beautifully complementing your existing decor. We recommend using this masterpiece with a rug pad for added comfort…

Surya Ventura Vnr-2300 Area Rug

Price: $7,880.00

…making it the perfect addition to any room in your house. To ensure its longevity and maintain its stunning design, professional cleaning is recommended. Don't forget to pair it with a rug pad for added comfort and slip-resistance, ensuring you can enjoy its plushness without any worry!

Surya Ventura Vnr-2302 Area Rug

Price: $7,880.00

…handmade rug. Meticulously hand-knotted in India, this piece is made entirely of wool, promising a cozy and welcoming feel underfoot. Its medium pile adds to its plush comfort while also ensuring it's easy to maintain and durable for high-traffic areas. Though robust, we recommend use with a rug pad

Surya Jackie Jak-2308 Area Rug

Price: $3,465.00

…wool and viscose ensures both comfort and durability, providing the ideal balance between luxury and practicality. We recommend using this rug with a pad for optimal performance. When it comes to maintenance, simply spot clean with mild detergent to keep it looking as stunning as the day you bought…

Surya Dawn Dwn-2300 Area Rug

Price: $21,655.00

…of wool and silk. This handmade rug exudes an understated elegance that complements any living space perfectly. With its low pile construction, it offers an incredibly soft underfoot experience while maintaining a sleek profile. We recommend using this rug with a pad for added comfort and longevity.…

Surya Marisa Mir-2300 Area Rug

Price: $6,625.00

…high-traffic areas, ensuring its beauty will last through the years. While it can stand alone as a statement piece, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad for added comfort and longevity. For care and maintenance, only professional cleaning is advised to keep its intricate design vibrant and lively.…

Karastan Bespoke Virtuoso Area Rug

Price: $16,389.00

…helps rugs remain attractive and serviceable. Use of a rug pad is recommended to keep rug laying smoothly in place and to help prolong the life of the rug. Shedding is normal with rugs that contain wool. Please be sure to set your vacuum to the highest possible setting when cleaning the rug to…

Karastan Bespoke Provocateur Area Rug

Price: $16,389.00

…helps rugs remain attractive and serviceable. Use of a rug pad is recommended to keep rug laying smoothly in place and to help prolong the life of the rug. Shedding is normal with rugs that contain wool. Please be sure to set your vacuum to the highest possible setting when cleaning the rug to…

Surya Anatolia Any-2311 Area Rug

Price: $15,755.00

…it for years to come! Plus, it's recommended that you use a rug pad for extra cushioning and protection of your flooring beneath. For best results, have your rug professionally cleaned only when needed. Add some style and sophistication to your home today with this exquisite Anatolia Handmade Rug!

Surya Agora Arg-2300 Area Rug

Price: $7,985.00

…this rug is more than just visually appealing; it's also incredibly durable and designed for long-lasting use. Although professional cleaning is recommended to maintain its pristine condition, we suggest pairing it with a rug pad for added stability and floor protection. With the Agora Handmade Rug,

Surya Anelka Ank-2305 Area Rug

Price: $7,450.00

…dash of charm. This rug boasts a low pile construction which makes it easy to maintain and perfect for high-traffic areas in your home. To preserve its beauty and prolong its life, professional cleaning is recommended. It's also advisable to pair this lovely rug with a pad underneath to prevent…

Surya Arbora Aob-2303 Area Rug

Price: $4,380.00

…blending beauty and functionality. We recommend pairing this rug with a pad to enhance its plush feel even further. To maintain its allure and longevity, professional cleaning is advised. With the Arbora handmade rug, you're not just buying a rug - you're investing in an art piece that brings warmth…

Surya Transcendence Flwl-2300 Area Rug

Price: $9,065.00

…interior decor, offering a perfect blend of style and comfort. This rug is hand-knotted, which not only makes it unique but also ensures every detail is perfectly executed for an exquisite look. We recommend using it with a rug pad to keep it securely in place. Please note that this product requires…

Surya Transcendence Flwl-2301 Area Rug

Price: $9,065.00

…interior decor, offering a perfect blend of style and comfort. This rug is hand-knotted, which not only makes it unique but also ensures every detail is perfectly executed for an exquisite look. We recommend using it with a rug pad to keep it securely in place. Please note that this product requires…

Surya Transcendence Flwl-2302 Area Rug

Price: $9,065.00

…interior decor, offering a perfect blend of style and comfort. This rug is hand-knotted, which not only makes it unique but also ensures every detail is perfectly executed for an exquisite look. We recommend using it with a rug pad to keep it securely in place. Please note that this product requires…

Surya Khorasan Kho-2302 Area Rug

Price: $13,000.00

…optimal comfort. To ensure longevity and preserve the beauty of this unique piece, we recommend professional cleaning only. We also suggest using a rug pad underneath this gem for enhanced stability and floor protection. Transform your living spaces into a haven of elegance with our Khorasan rug!

Surya Arbora Aob-2302 Area Rug

Price: $4,380.00

…too. While the rug can stand alone as an art piece, we recommend using it with a rug pad for added comfort and longevity. Please note that professional cleaning is recommended to maintain its pristine condition over time. Transform your space into a stylish sanctuary with the Arbora handmade rug!

Surya Tempe Tpe-2302 Area Rug

Price: $1,845.00

…a perfect addition to high-traffic areas in your home. Made from wool, this rug not only offers superior softness underfoot but also maintains its looks over time. For optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent shifting or sliding. And don't worry about spills - this gem is easy…

Surya Ventura Vnr-2301 Area Rug

Price: $7,880.00

…enough to sit on, it is also sturdy enough for high-traffic areas. To ensure optimal use and longevity, we recommend the use of a rug pad underneath this piece. And when it comes to cleaning, leave it to the professionals so you can continue enjoying the beauty of your Ventura Rug for years to come.

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