Captivating, authentic replicas of the world's earliest known area rugs, the Old World Classics Collection tells an enchanted story through its intricate patterns and rustic color palette. Inspired by nomadic motifs dating back to the 5th century B.C., the historical footprint of area rug design is…
With its meticulously hand-knotted texture applied to a hand-woven base, the Owen Collection offers an innovative look that feels relaxed, yet refined. Crafted by master artisans of wool and jute, each piece naturally offers long-lasting durability--perfect for the busiest rooms in the house.
As a modern interpretation of a Moroccan tribal rug, the Maiko rug maintains original, earthy artistry and presents a new spirited simplicity as a meticulously handcrafted flatweave rug of 100% jute. A modern graphic design in warm beige and browns, inspired by the nomadic Tuareg tribes of the…
With its meticulously hand-knotted texture applied to a hand-woven base, the Owen Collection offers an innovative look that feels relaxed, yet refined. Crafted by master artisans of wool and jute, each piece naturally offers long-lasting durability--perfect for the busiest rooms in the house.