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9x12 Rug Pad

Surya Enlightenment Enl-1004 Area Rug

Price: $6,750.00

…underfoot. It's perfect for adding a plush and inviting touch to any room in your home. To keep this rug looking its best, we recommend professional cleaning only. Consider pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping or sliding. Immerse yourself in the softness and elegance that this unique piece…

Surya Enlightenment Enl-1005 Area Rug

Price: $6,750.00

…underfoot. It's perfect for adding a plush and inviting touch to any room in your home. To keep this rug looking its best, we recommend professional cleaning only. Consider pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping or sliding. Immerse yourself in the softness and elegance that this unique piece…

Surya Imola Iml-1010 Area Rug

Price: $16,410.00

…provides a plush feel underfoot, making it ideal for any room in your home. Expertly made in India, this beautiful rug is sure to elevate any space with its timeless design. For best results, pair with a non-slip rug pad and professional cleaning only. Shop today to give your space an upgrade!

Surya Kerman Kmn-2302 Area Rug

Price: $9,530.00

rug that adds an exquisite touch to any space. Imported straight from India, this no-pile wool rug boasts of a beautiful style accentuated by an elegant fringe. While it's soft underfoot, we recommend use with a rug pad to extend its life and keep it securely in place. Care for your Kerman rug is as…

Surya Leros Lrs-2301 Area Rug

Price: $6,540.00

rug exudes an old-world charm that can instantly enhance your living space. The low pile construction offers a seamless blend of comfort and durability, making it perfect for high-traffic areas. While its timeless appeal adds a dash of sophistication to any room, we recommend using it with a rug pad

Surya Lucknow Luc-2308 Area Rug

Price: $5,625.00

…This rug is not just beautiful to look at but also easy to care for with spot clean using water only. Manufactured in India, it carries an essence of its rich heritage and culture. We recommend pairing it with a rug pad for added comfort and longevity. With its unique design, this rug will…

Surya Lukla Lua-2301 Area Rug

Price: $2,960.00

…to deliver an exceptional aesthetic appeal. The rug features a medium pile that feels soft underfoot, providing a cozy and warm surface for your home. To maintain its pristine condition and ensure longevity, we recommend using it with a rug pad and cleaning any spots with a dry cloth. Don't just…

Surya Malta Mta-2305 Area Rug

Price: $3,905.00

…Woven meticulously in India, this rug features a low pile that lends an air of understated sophistication to any space. Made from viscose, it not only feels luxurious underfoot but also offers impressive durability. It's recommended to pair this rug with a pad for added comfort and longevity. Plus,…

Surya Moreno Mnr-2300 Area Rug

Price: $2,010.00

…optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping and sliding. When it comes to care, this rug keeps things simple; all you need is water for spot cleaning. Infuse your decor with the effortless elegance of the Moreno hand made rug and enjoy the transformation it brings to your…

Surya Moreno Mnr-2302 Area Rug

Price: $2,010.00

…optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping and sliding. When it comes to care, this rug keeps things simple; all you need is water for spot cleaning. Infuse your decor with the effortless elegance of the Moreno hand made rug and enjoy the transformation it brings to your…

Surya Moreno Mnr-2303 Area Rug

Price: $2,010.00

…optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping and sliding. When it comes to care, this rug keeps things simple; all you need is water for spot cleaning. Infuse your decor with the effortless elegance of the Moreno hand made rug and enjoy the transformation it brings to your…

Surya Moreno Mnr-2308 Area Rug

Price: $2,010.00

…optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping and sliding. When it comes to care, this rug keeps things simple; all you need is water for spot cleaning. Infuse your decor with the effortless elegance of the Moreno hand made rug and enjoy the transformation it brings to your…

Surya Moreno Mnr-2309 Area Rug

Price: $2,010.00

…optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping and sliding. When it comes to care, this rug keeps things simple; all you need is water for spot cleaning. Infuse your decor with the effortless elegance of the Moreno hand made rug and enjoy the transformation it brings to your…

Surya Moreno Mnr-2310 Area Rug

Price: $2,010.00

…optimal use, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad to prevent slipping and sliding. When it comes to care, this rug keeps things simple; all you need is water for spot cleaning. Infuse your decor with the effortless elegance of the Moreno hand made rug and enjoy the transformation it brings to your…

Surya Peru Peu-2300 Area Rug

Price: $3,525.00

…a handmade rug. This masterpiece is meticulously hand-woven in India using wool, resulting in an exceptional texture and durability. The rug features a no-pile construction that adds to its unique character and charm. While it stands firm on its own, we recommend pairing it with a rug pad for added…

Surya Peru Peu-2301 Area Rug

Price: $3,525.00

…handmade rug. Exclusively handwoven in India, this wool rug is an embodiment of global allure and visual appeal. Its distinctive Bohemian design instantly adds character to any room and acts as a striking centerpiece for your decor. Though it has no pile, we recommend using a rug pad for added…

Surya Peru Peu-2302 Area Rug

Price: $3,525.00

…decor. This rug is hand woven in India from pure wool and has no pile, giving it a flat and sleek appearance that's perfect for modern homes. Its unique design adds an interesting touch to your space while still being practical and easy to maintain. We recommend using this rug with a pad for added…

Surya Philadelphia Phd-2301 Area Rug

Price: $4,135.00

…it the perfect addition to a variety of decor styles. As it features no pile, we recommend using this rug with a pad for added comfort and longevity. Maintain its beauty for years to come by opting for professional rug cleaning only. Embrace the Philadelphia handmade rug - where style meets comfort!

Surya Pier Pie-2303 Area Rug

Price: $2,910.00

…this rug has been meticulously hand-loomed and is made of luscious Viscose, resulting in a medium pile texture that feels incredibly soft underfoot. The rug's alluring design and tactile appeal make it a versatile addition to any decor scheme. We recommend pairing it with a rug pad for optimal…

Surya Pier Pie-2304 Area Rug

Price: $2,910.00

…with care in India, this viscose rug boasts a beautiful style that will effortlessly enhance any space in your home. Its hand-loomed construction creates a medium pile that's plush underfoot, providing both comfort and style. We recommend using this piece with a rug pad for optimal performance. And…

Surya Pier Pie-2307 Area Rug

Price: $2,910.00

…for both high traffic areas and more intimate spaces. To ensure longevity, we recommend the use of a rug pad underneath. And don't worry about spills or stains - you can easily spot clean this rug with water only. Bring home this masterpiece from the Pier Collection and elevate your decor instantly!

Surya Presidential Pdt-2337 Area Rug

Price: $1,440.00

…detail. Expertly machine-woven in Turkey, this rug boasts a medium pile that is ideal for high traffic areas of your home. Crafted from durable polyester, the longevity and resilience of this piece is remarkable. We recommend using this rug with a pad for optimal performance and comfort. And don't…

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2302 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…your home. Crafted from wool, this hand-tufted rug features a medium pile that feels delightful underfoot, ensuring both comfort and style are accounted for. While designed to stand up to daily wear and tear, we recommend pairing this rug with a pad for added cushioning and longevity, and spot…

Surya Rossi Jwrs-2306 Area Rug

Price: $1,585.00

…with its unique style. The rug is made from wool, ensuring durability and longevity while providing a medium pile for that cozy underfoot feel. The hand-tufted construction gives it an authentic touch, transforming your room instantly. We recommend the use of a rug pad for added stability and…

Surya Tunus Tun-2313 Area Rug

Price: $6,190.00

…The medium pile gives this rug a luxurious feel and soft texture underfoot. The bohemian global style design adds a unique touch of international charm to your home decor. This rug is made in India with professional cleaning recommended for best results. Use with a rug pad for extra cushioning and…

Surya Damier Dmi-2301 Area Rug

Price: $6,040.00

…pile and hand knotted construction, this rug is made with Wool in India for a classic look that will last. With its intricate design and luxurious feel, this piece can be used in any room to instantly upgrade the decor. For best results, use with a rug pad and have it professionally cleaned only.…

Surya Damier Dmi-2303 Area Rug

Price: $6,040.00

…pile and hand knotted construction, this rug is made with Wool in India for a classic look that will last. With its intricate design and luxurious feel, this piece can be used in any room to instantly upgrade the decor. For best results, use with a rug pad and have it professionally cleaned only.…

Surya Davey Bodv-2302 Area Rug

Price: $5,020.00

…use in living rooms or bedrooms. This eye-catching design is crafted with intricate details and bold colors that will bring life to any space. Plus, it's handmade in India for a one-of-a-kind addition to your decor. For best results, pair with a rug pad (not included) and clean professionally only.

Surya Jackie Jak-2303 Area Rug

Price: $3,465.00

…construction ensures superior craftsmanship. Imported from India, this one-of-a-kind piece is perfect for modern or traditional interiors alike. To ensure the longevity of your purchase, we recommend using a rug pad and professional cleaning only. Shop now to make this stylish statement piece yours!

Surya Tulsa Tls-2303 Area Rug

Price: $5,695.00

…and durability. With its high pile construction, this rug is sure to last for years to come. Its hand-knotted construction makes it a work of art crafted by skilled artisans in India. To ensure longevity, we recommend using a rug pad with this piece and professional cleaning only. Don't wait,…

Surya Goteborg Gtg-2301 Area Rug

Price: $1,940.00

…a stunning focal point in any space, seamlessly blending with your existing decor. With no pile height, this rug offers an easy-to-maintain surface that is recommended to use with a rug pad for optimum results. If it gets dirty, just spot clean it with water! Add this elegant addition to your home…

Surya Goteborg Gtg-2302 Area Rug

Price: $1,940.00

…mix of wool and cotton, this rug is sure to add an elegant touch to any space in your home. Its unique construction features no pile, resulting in a low-profile design that's easy to maintain and clean. For optimal use, we recommend pairing this rug with a suitable pad to enhance its plush feel…

Surya Lucie Lce-2301 Area Rug

Price: $1,415.00

…easy maintenance and durability for years to come. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend spot cleaning with water only and using it with a rug pad for added comfort and longevity. Add this beautiful rug to your living area and create a warm, inviting atmosphere you'll love coming home to.

Surya Patricia Pca-2301 Area Rug

Price: $4,635.00

…texture underfoot, making it ideal for high-traffic areas. For optimal use, we recommend pairing this rug with a pad to keep it firmly in place. Plus, maintaining its pristine look is easy - simply spot clean with water as needed. Let the Patricia rug bring warmth and charm into your home!

Surya Pier Pie-2301 Area Rug

Price: $2,910.00

…ambiance. Despite its plush texture, maintenance is easy - simple spot cleaning with water will keep it looking fresh and vibrant. We recommend using this rug with a pad for an even more sumptuous experience underfoot. An exquisite addition to your home decor that you'll enjoy for years to come!

Surya Pier Pie-2302 Area Rug

Price: $2,910.00

…to your home decor. We recommend pairing this rug with a pad for enhanced grip and longevity. And when it comes to upkeep, simply spot clean it with water to keep its charm intact for years to come. Experience the fusion of beauty and functionality with this exquisite rug from the Pier Collection.

Surya Shindig Sdg-2302 Area Rug

Price: $2,190.00

…for high-traffic areas or cozy corners alike. For longevity and to maintain its plush texture, professional cleaning is recommended. To avoid slippage and provide extra cushioning, use with a rug pad is suggested. Experience the artistry and sophistication this beautiful rug brings to your home!

Surya Shindig Sdg-2303 Area Rug

Price: $2,190.00

…for high-traffic areas or cozy corners alike. For longevity and to maintain its plush texture, professional cleaning is recommended. To avoid slippage and provide extra cushioning, use with a rug pad is suggested. Experience the artistry and sophistication this beautiful rug brings to your home!

Surya Anelka Ank-2300 Area Rug

Price: $7,450.00

…elegance and character to your decor. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only and use with a rug pad for best results. The Anelka Collection offers you a perfect blend of style and convenience - it's not just a rug, it's an enhancement to your living experience!

Surya Anelka Ank-2302 Area Rug

Price: $7,450.00

…hand made rug. This luxurious low pile rug, carefully hand-knotted in India, boasts a stunning style that can effortlessly enhance any space. Made from premium wool, it is embellished with a chic fringe that adds an extra layer of aesthetic appeal. Recommended for use with a rug pad for optimal…

Surya Anelka Ank-2307 Area Rug

Price: $7,450.00

…comfort underfoot while maintaining an unobtrusive profile. To prolong its beauty and longevity, we recommend the use of a rug pad and professional cleaning only. The Anelka rug is more than just a floor covering; it's a work of art that invites warmth and sophistication into your living spaces.

Surya Grandeur Gru-2300 Area Rug

Price: $3,110.00

…medium pile viscose for that soft touch underfoot. This exquisite rug was handwoven in India, ensuring each piece carries a unique charm. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only. The use of a rug pad is also suggested to prevent slipping and sliding. Welcome home…

Surya Grandeur Gru-2302 Area Rug

Price: $3,110.00

…medium pile viscose for that soft touch underfoot. This exquisite rug was handwoven in India, ensuring each piece carries a unique charm. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only. The use of a rug pad is also suggested to prevent slipping and sliding. Welcome home…

Surya Grandeur Gru-2303 Area Rug

Price: $3,110.00

…medium pile viscose for that soft touch underfoot. This exquisite rug was handwoven in India, ensuring each piece carries a unique charm. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only. The use of a rug pad is also suggested to prevent slipping and sliding. Welcome home…

Surya Grandeur Gru-2305 Area Rug

Price: $3,110.00

…medium pile viscose for that soft touch underfoot. This exquisite rug was handwoven in India, ensuring each piece carries a unique charm. To maintain its pristine condition, we recommend professional cleaning only. The use of a rug pad is also suggested to prevent slipping and sliding. Welcome home…

Surya Jackie Jak-2306 Area Rug

Price: $3,465.00

…Jackie Collection, a stunning hand loomed rug that effortlessly enhances any space. Crafted in India from a luxurious blend of wool and viscose, this rug features a low pile for an understated yet elegant look. It's recommended to be used with a rug pad for best results, and its easy care…

Surya Jaylin Jyl-2300 Area Rug

Price: $9,845.00

…pile height gives this rug an inviting look and feel while the hand-knotted construction ensures it will last through years of use. This one-of-a-kind piece is crafted in India with exquisite attention to detail that you can feel underfoot. For best results, use with a rug pad (not included) and…

Surya Jaylin Jyl-2301 Area Rug

Price: $9,845.00

…element of charm to your decor while its durable construction ensures it stands up to everyday use. To maintain its beauty, professional cleaning is recommended and usage with a rug pad is advised for longevity. Enrich your home with this stunning piece that seamlessly marries function with fashion.

Products 145 - 192 of 4146
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